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Create Simulation-based Learning | 2D 3D Simulation Training
Simulation-based Learning 2024-03-28T17:57:42+05:30

Simulation-based Learning | 2D and 3D Simulations

Provide a fail-safe work environment to the workforce.

Cutting Edge Simulation training for your workforce:

Welcome to next-gen employee learning: a fail-safe environment created through immersive simulations. Provide an opportunity for your learners to gain on-the-job experience without the risks! Connect with Arsiga Konics, your simulation expert, to create dynamic 2D and 3D experiences using a 360-degree technique. We help you to introduce your team to the world of hands-on learning.

Simulation-based Learning can help you achieve your training goals profitably


Real-time experience

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On-the-job experience


Real-time feedback

Simulations mimic the real-time experience and provide an on-the-job experience to learners. They replicate the most predictable experiences that employees may encounter while working and offer real-time feedback on desirable and undesirable actions. Learning simulations allow learners to learn and practice the required skills.

Other benefits of simulation-based learning include:

  • Enhanced critical work skills, through controlled and repeated practice
  • Improved decision-making skills under pressure
  • Increased employee confidence
  • Higher course completion rates
  • Discernible reduction in training costs and time
  • Effective risk mitigation associated with new tools or practices
  • Increased knowledge retention
  • Quantifiable training outcomes
  • Useful as both initial training and refresher courses 

Industries Leading the Way with Simulation Training:

Aviation, automotive, technology, manufacturing, services, and healthcare – although disparate industries, all have one thing in common: the use of 2D and 3D simulations to train their workforce. The benefits of simulation training extend beyond monetary benefits -they save lives! Simulations aren’t just training; they are a learning journey where mistakes are valuable lessons, and skills are sharpened.

Exploring the option of simulation-based learning for your workforce?

You have landed at the right place! Arsiga Konics, a leading provider of E-Learning solutions in India creates 2D and 3D simulations for various industries. We have created simulation learning for system applications, technical know-how, business, and medical processes/procedures. We have the expertise to simulate a virtual world and recreate workplaces by deploying a 360-degree technique.

Get in touch with us today.

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